Tips and Ways to Publish Your Thesis in a Journal Website

Publish Thesis in a Journal Website

As a final and compulsory part of your degree, you have to write a thesis or dissertation. Your thesis supervisor will provide you with information about writing and completing a thesis but they may not guide you about the publication of the thesis. After completing the thesis you have to publish it. Before publishing and for publishing you have to follow some steps as shared by a PhD dissertation writing service for successful completion.

Before converting your thesis into an article you must know the basic difference between a thesis and a journal article. A thesis is usually long, contains chapters, is written on academic requirements, contains a table of content, contains detailed literature and discussion, research methods and work is presented in more detail, you have to include all of your findings during the research, it has a limited audience that is the examiner and fellow students. While a journal article is short, has the limited number of words, written according to journal standards and formats, includes selected and relevant findings, has sections, brief research information and literature work, and is read by a broad and blind audience.

First of all, you have to check whether your thesis fulfills all the merits set for publishing a thesis. Is your research work and finding contains all the necessary information and answers all the important questions? For publishing a thesis it must contain new knowledge or research work which must add something to the literature. Simply stating it must have novelty. It must not contain that work which has already been published. Next, you have to decide about the authorship of the article. Only those persons can be the author of the article who has any important significant contribution in the article. It can be you and your supervisor. The order of authors’ names is also very important. In the next step, you convert your thesis into an article.

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For publication, your thesis must contain proper writing style, literature work, data analysis and interpretation, proper citation and bibliography. You can take help from already published articles for knowing the standard style and formatting required for publishing an article. You can also take help from advisors, supervisors or seniors. There are two formats for converting a thesis into a journal article for publishing. They are the multiple-paper strategy and the conversion strategy. The multi-paper strategy is considered as the most rapid strategy for thesis conversion into articles. You use a multi-paper format. In this format, you write the thesis according to the format of different shorter papers that are submitted into journals for publishing.

Their length is the same as that of an article published in a journal. These short papers are the part of bigger research papers but are structured and formatted in a style that they can stand alone as independent research reports. The second format is conversion strategy. In this format, you rewrite your thesis in the form of an article. For converting a thesis into an article you have to reconsider its length of the thesis. A thesis is usually long and has more word counts as compared to articles. You have to get the different sections of the thesis shorter in such a way that they don’t lose the important information. You have to reduce your thesis to one third. If your thesis contains numerous research questions you can convert each research question into a separate article.

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As a standard format, the abstract of the article usually contains 250 words not more than that. Introduction must contain brief and relevant information. The Method section should be reduced to contain only a general view about how you gather the data and evaluate it. Result section must contain only relevant results and their analysis. The discussion section includes areas of consent with their difference from already done work. The reference section excludes the references of the parts which you have eliminated during the rewriting of the thesis. When you successfully change your thesis into an article you decide about selecting a journal. Selecting the right journal is very important. The journal should be according to your topic of research.

Points To Remember:

  • Writing an article from a thesis for publishing is not just cutting, copying and pasting.
  • Format of a journal article is different from that you have used in writing your thesis.
  • You write the thesis while keeping in view the examiners as your audience, but in the article, you have a wider range of audience.
  • Put your findings in the literature.
  • Use proper format for citation
  • Discussion should be clear and concise.
  • Don’t forget to briefly present the opportunities available within your research for future research work.
  • Paraphrase the same ideas
  • Focus on the main points only
  • A journal article writing from the thesis is a difficult and time consuming work which requires your full attention and consideration. Don’t do this task in a hurry to finish it fast.