How To Write A 1200 Word Research Paper Within A Day

A research paper is an essential piece of academic writing that is written on the basis of the original research of the students on a particular topic and in the research paper, it is also necessary for us to interpret and analyze the research findings. If you want to get excellence by writing a research paper, it is necessary for you to get enough knowledge about the research topic. No doubt, to write a research paper just within a day is a real challenge to you. Anyhow, some essential tips and techniques to write a 1200 words research paper within a day are given below;

1)      Know what you are going to write before you write it

No doubt, one day is very less time for the researchers to complete their research paper but it doesn’t mean that you should commence your research paper writing task without preparing and following a plan. It means that before commencing the research paper writing task, you should spend some time in taking an overview of your topic idea, possible requirements and guidelines of the advisor and type of research methodology. After taking an overview of these things, you will be in a better position to complete your research paper before time.

2)      Try to capture an overview of the research paper

It is also a fact that if you want to complete your research paper just within one day, it is also necessary for you to motivate yourself for the research paper writing task. For this reason, you should try to capture an overview of the research paper and try to get answers to some specific questions like what is the contribution of this research paper in your knowledge, why this research paper is important to you, what are the key research questions of your research paper and what are the possible key sub-questions of your research paper.

3)      Make a document with chapter headings and word counts next to them

Like other academic papers, a research paper is also divided into different chapters. You should try to prepare a list of these chapters and try to write possible word counts of these chapters next to them. This document will be helpful to you to keep track of your research paper. Moreover, this document will also provide you with a roadmap to complete your research paper.

4)      Divide the whole day

It is a fact that you can’t spend 24 hours of a day on the research paper writing task. Its reason is that you will have to spend your time on some other activities like eating, sleeping and exercising etc. Therefore, you should try to create a plan for the whole day. First of all, you should think about all the activities of the day. First of all, you should keep 6 to 8 hours to sleep. After that, you should keep 2 to 3 hours for other activities. In this way, there will remain 14 hours for the research paper writing task. After that, you should try to keep one hour on deciding the main research questions relevant to the main theme of your topic idea. After that, you should try to keep 2 to 3 hours for the purpose of gathering enough data for your research paper. In this way, there will remain 10 hours for the actual research paper writing task. In these 10 hours, you should try to keep 8 to 9 hours for composing the content of your research paper. After preparing the first draft of your research paper, you should try to spend the remaining time on proofreading and editing of your research paper. While proofreading and editing of your research paper, you should try to make sure that your research paper should be free from mistakes and your research paper should also be written by following the professional structure and format.

5)      Strictly follow this plan

To prepare a plan for the research paper writing task is not enough for the students because after preparing this plan, it is also necessary for them to follow this plan strictly. For this reason, students should try to find such a place for the research paper writing task that is free from distractions. Students should also try to take regular breaks. Its reason is that if students try to spend consecutive 14 hours on the research paper writing task, they will not be able to stay themselves active. That’s why students should try to take breaks of at least 10 to 15 minutes after spending 45 to 50 minutes on the research paper writing task.

Information By: Research Proposal Writing Service UK.